My Footsteps to You

Write all the things you want to remember during your trip in this travel journal.

furrtrekker travel journal
cass travel journal

My Footsteps to You

Got amazing memories from a trip? Write them in a journal to keep those moments close.

Our “My Footsteps to You” travel journal helps you hold onto those memories – the amazing highs, the hilarious mishaps, the quiet lows – that made each trip special.

It’s like an invisible trail back through your personal travel story. Yours to relive, step-by-step, through your own words and reflections.

Take a Peek Inside

Hi, I’m Cass.

I am the founder of Furrtrekker and a proud fur parent to 4 cats and 3 dogs.

I write guides about dog-friendly destinations and experiences.

Iโ€™m so happy youโ€™re here!

husky with fur parent